53 E. Industrial Ave., PO Box 327, Burns, Oregon 97720 541-589-4788 crossroadsrhc@gmail.com

Thank you to our table sponsors!!!!!

Auction items to date include:

McMennamin’s $50 gift card; 2 tickets to Wildlife Safari'; 2 5hour fishing trips from Newport Tradewinds Charter; Dutch Bros box & gift certificate; 1 Family Pack  from Mountain Air Bend; $60 gift card from Black Bear Diner; 1 night in a traditional oceanfront room at Hallmark Resort Newport; a beautiful piece of wood artwork valued $180 from Bob Oswald; 4 different family admission passes from the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum; $25.00 gift card from Big R, Burns; Bighorn Fire Pit Ring from Big R: $100 certificate towards your 2023 tax preparation from Oster’s Professional Group, Burns; 2 tickets for the Pendleton Roundup, Happy Canyon & Hall of Fame Museum; Bulldog M357 PCP Air Rifle; assorted gift baskets; Portland Trailblazers autographed team pennant; 1 family admission pass to Zoo Boise; 8 resort options Elite Island Resorts…..

Please email crossroadsrhc@gmail.com or reach out to 541-589-4788 for any auction item information.

Or if you’d like to become a dinner sponsor or you’d like to donate an item.

Thank you auction donors!

We are closed for the winter but making appointments for lessons and camps that will begin in March 2024. Please call 541-589-4788 or email crossroadsrhc@gmail.com

The heart of our program is to provide a safe and accepting place for participants, horses and families to experience Love, Hope & Healing. The relationship between the participants, leaders, horses, volunteer team and the love of Jesus is the catalyst to miracles in our clients' lives. This is accomplished by inviting people to come just as they are.

Who we serve

Find resources for:

ADD/ADHD | Autism | Asperger's Syndrome | Traumatic Brain Injury | PTSD | Downs's Syndrome | Family Crises such as Divorce, Abuse and Abandonment

And more! 

Our action plan

Building a horse facility that is friendly to all is an exciting part of our work here at Crossroads. Find out more about our plan to make our dreams, and those of our clients, a reality!

Support the Mission

It takes a variety of resources to support our mission and we love to include people on every level! Find out more about how you can help us accomplish therapies in Harney County!

From ‘snowmageddon’ 2017 to the bathroom add-on of 2020, we’ve come a long ways!

(And we’re just getting warmed up!)